We fight hunger

We address basic needs such as food and shelter

Feeding the needy – we provide provisions and meals every month

Food package

Combing practical assistance with emotional support, we strive to address not only the physical needs but also the emotional wellbeing of those we serve.

In our ongoing commitment to support the needy, each month Smyrna Home provide essential grocery items to individuals experiencing hardship, ensuring they have access to nutritious meals throughout the month. They receive a food package to take home. This food package is usually the only food they receive and contains various types of dry goods, for example flour, salt, semolina, rice and peas.

In addition to supplying groceries, we gather together for a warm and nourishing lunch, creating a sense of community among participants. Alongside the meals, we offer uplifting speeches and messages of encouragement , fostering a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

We try to keep an eye on their health and help these people with medicine, hygiene items, clothes, blankets and other things that they need.

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